2018 Budget Process
The Board of the LBD wants to hear from you! We are in the process of putting together the 2018 budget for the Locust Central Business District and wanted to gather your thoughts on the choices the LBD should be making with how the taxpayer dollars are being used.
Step 1: We have conducted a budget survey via SurveyMonkey. The survey window closed on September 6th. (Complete)
Step 2: The results of the survey were presented at the next LBD meeting on September 13th, 2017. These results will inform the budget process. (Complete)
Step 3: On Sept 20th, 2017, an illustrative 2018 Budget will be posted to the LBD website for review (Completed on September 25th due to Commissioner Hahlbeck):
Step 4: On Sept 27th, 2017 – a Special Meeting will be held at the Schlafly Tap Room to gather additional budget feedback, 5:00 pm in the Club Room.